#Skintagstreatment #Homeopathyforwars HOMOEOPATHIC TREATMENT FOR SKIN TAG Harmless skin growth projection with thin stalk on the surface of skin are termed as skin tag, it may be single or multiple in number. Size of skin tag may vary from 1mm to half inch. Skin tag are composed of collagen and blood vessels. Tags may occur at any body part, but more common on area where friction is more, specially breast, neck, armpits, groin and eyelids. It affect both genders equally, though chances are more during pregnancy, diabetic patients and fatty persons. There is no known cause for skin tag, but as per Dr.Abhishek, skin tags can be due to 1.HPV 2.Friction as skin tag are common where the skin repeatedly rubs against skin or cloth or metallic chain, or ornaments, etc 3.Diabetes with insulin resistence 4.Genetical- Clinically we have seen strong family history Symptoms These are painless growth on skin surface Skin tag connected to skin surface through small stalk Skin tags size vary from 1mm...